Cruise control is a feature that now comes standard on many models of cars. Many drivers prefer to drive a vehicle that has cruise control installed because of its convenience. If you are a commuter, cruise control will allow you to drive at a constant speed. Cruise control is an electronic device that allows a vehicle’s driver to lock the accelerator at a specific speed and take his or her foot off of the pedal. Cruise control is designed to be used on roadways without frequent stops, turns, or required driving maneuvers.

Nowadays, More and more people ride electric bicycles to go to work, travel, and shopping. Therefore, the use of cruise control on electric bicycles is becoming more and more important, and of course, cmacewheel e-bikes offer that.

By the way, a smooth and fewer people Road is the ideal location to use your bike’s cruise control feature. Here’s how to apply cruise control on cmacewheel electric bikes:

1, If your cmacewheel e-bike with a yolin display, then watch the below video:

2, if your cmacewheel has a kingmeter display, then take a watch the below video.

In addition, if you have any question about cmacewheel ebikes. contact us freely.

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